Non-Qualified Pothole Reporting

An effective Pothole Hunter will be able to recognize non-qualified areas

Before you step out of your car and onto a lot to take your photo, try your best to determine if the damage is “Out of Scope”.  If you are unsure, go ahead and submit the picture and report.  If the damage is something we can work with, we will accept the lead and pay you for it.  If it is not in scope, chances are good that it will be disqualified (DNQ‘d) and rejected, which means you will not be paid for the report.

No Alligatoring

No Cracks

No Dumpster areas

No Tree Root Damage

No Sink Holes or Craters

No Cracks
No Dumpster areas
No Tree Root Damage
No Sink Holes or Craters

Out of Scope

Alligatoring alone will be DNQ’d.

If there is an actual in-scope pothole within the alligatored area, that will almost always be accepted.

TIP: Alligatoring with a hole in the center or on the edge might be a legitimate area for reporting